Booger Diary

So Much Love to Give

Dog Days of Summer

The heat waves of August keep rolling through my town. The river beside my bike commute has gone dry as of 2 weeks ago. Even the mosquitos think it's too hot to come out mid-day.

I forgot to charge my bike last night, so I opted to take my car to work. The days without a bike commute seem to go by a lot faster (and less sweaty). The D&D podcast I'm listening to has to happen during a ride, otherwise I don't have enough time to get immersed. I can't listen to it in the car; cars aren't whimsical like bikes.

Due to the heat, I have to do a morning shower before my ride. Otherwise I'll arrive to work as the sun intended: Blood and Guts — Ass and Chode.

The Bike Path

My commute is 8ish miles to work. The ride there is mostly uphill with a few steep gradients. The motor makes me feel like a Tour de France racer with the added benefit of not trying at all! Going home feels like a time trial; trying to pass all of the lycra-wearing real cyclists. Unlucky for them that my bike has a giant lithium battery in it. Their acoustic bikes stand no chance.

May the lithium-ion gods shine upon my bike, and bless me with explosion protection.

Dry Eyes

Another day of trying to look busy. I actually did a little work today - the branch's president needed iPhone assistance today. His email calendar wasn't syncing. All I had to do was close the app and reopen it.

Think about that statement for a bit. The millionaire who worked his way to the top of a scientific company, doesn't know how to close then reopen an application on his phone. Turn it off, then on again. It should be the first thing you do.

I should make commission every time I help the executives. I'm saving them time and money.

It's okay though. All of the secretaries have free butter mints on their desks.

Net positive.

Food of Cavemen

Weight loss is a funny thing. All I had to do was stop drinking alcohol and eating processed shit throughout the day.

I switched to eating food with no ingredients on the packages. Mostly cabbage, eggs, beans, and celery. I'm only eating meat once in a while. Trying to minimize salty food too. I'm already down 4 pounds after a few weeks.

I'm not fat by any means. I just want to get rid of my pointy tits, and replace them with some Terry Crews pecs.

Cabbage Cooking 1

I stressed myself out by watching too many videos about meal prep and diet science. My mental TL;DR for dieting is:

That's it. Not hard at all. I wish I figured this out sooner, but I guess it's all part of the process.

Cabbage Cooking 2

Plus the cabbage and beans give me Earth-Shattering farts.

The funniest super power.