Booger Diary

High Desert


I grew up in many different houses as a kid; all of them with their own core memories.

We moved around a lot due to my dad's job; that's what he told me back then. He's since told me that it was usually because of tough times. My parents did a good job at keeping that a secret from my brother and I. Almost all of the childhood homes I've lived in are either sold, or we were renting them.

I wish I could go back to a few of them - It's been a long time since I've truly felt at home.


I'm old now - 2 more years until the big three-o. Time goes by so much faster as I get older. There's some theory about age and fractions that kinda makes sense. The longer you live, the smaller the percentage of your life the current year becomes. That's why childhood memories are so vivid, and certain experiences stick with you for the rest of your life. It was a bigger percentage of your life.

There's a Toad Under that One Brick...

Little single-family homes on a dirt road in the high desert. It's where I learned how to ride a bike, catch lizards, catch toads, climb walls and trees, and use a computer to torrent software.

Gamecube and a CRT

I have vivid memories of high desert winters, with cool crisp air, and dead grass. Memories of laying on my stomach, and playing Ocarina of time or Animal Crossing in my little room.

Getting rug-burn from the pink, scratchy carpet.

Living at my grandma's place is something I hold close. I go back to that place in my mind quite a bit.

The House

The boys.

My little brother and I would throw a tennis ball over the little house to each other; one guy in the front yard, and one in the back.

We'd make paper airplanes and run around with cold runny noses and dry lips.

Catch lizards.

Holding a Lizard

Sometimes I wonder if my neighbor friend from back then made it out okay. He had a leopard print BMX bike. That thing rocked.

We'd spend a lot of time there growing up. I don't think I'll have that inner peace ever again, but that's okay. I'm happy that I'm able to hold onto those memories.

There'll never be another Homestar Runner morning, wii sports day, then steak dinner night again.

And that's okay.