Booger Diary

Hankerin' for a Sloppy 'za...

Pizza, Pool, Penis, Pepperoni, Pestilence

Holy shit it's been hot lately.

This week and last week have been in the higher 110's. Got the dry mouth and dry eyes. Even my sweat dries up before it's able to cool me down. The stickers on my rear windshield have turned black from being cooked by the sun.

After the hot week, Saturday rolled around. As a collective, the room mates and I decided to go to our complex's pool a few nights ago.

It was still scorching hot at 8pm. No one was really there at that time, only a couple at the other end of the big pool. We had a few good laughs. Our inner children were shining as we played chicken, and tried to decide on other pool games to play. We're all grown men, mind you.

Floating on my back in the pool

I had a moment while floating along on my back, and looking up at the stars. Just for a bit, I felt a fleeting vibration in my soul. I was unbothered by the people starting to fill the pool, kids screaming and laughing, and my friends trying to start a wave-pool by bouncing up and down in the water. It was nice.

I haven't felt like that since I was a kid. I'd do that same thing while swimming at my great grandparents' pool.

A buoy in the ocean in front of a cloudy horizon

I also felt like people could see my wiener through my trunks, like a buoy in the wake.

We also had a pizza later that burnt the shit out of the roof of my mouth. Very tasty though.

Nights like that make me remember that life isn't always so serious.

Sometimes it's okay to go outside.